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- /* rexxserdev.library test program used to debug function calls */
- /* open the Rexx support library */
- signal on error
- if ~show('L',"rexxsupport.library") then do
- if addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30,0) then
- say 'added rexxsupport.library'
- else do;
- say 'support library not available'
- exit 10
- end
- end
- /* open the Rexx serial device library */
- if ~show( 'L', "rexxserdev.library" ) then do
- if addlib( 'rexxserdev.library', 0, -30, 1 ) then
- say 'added rexxserdev.library'
- else do;
- say 'support library not available'
- exit 10
- end
- end
- libaddr = serlibbase()
- say 'serial library base =' libaddr
- if seropen() then say 'serial device opened'
- if serreset() then say 'serial device reset'
- if ~sersetparms( 9600, 7, e, 1 ) then say 'Parms not set'
- if ~serclear() then say 'buffer not clear'
- if serflush( w ) then say 'write queue flushed'
- if serflush( r ) then say 'read queue flushed'
- block = allocmem( 20 )
- addr = c2d( block )
- say 'memory block address =' addr
- query = SerQuery()
- parse var query err rl stat
- if ~err then say 'query status valid'
- say 'number of characters in received buffer:' rl
- say 'status word in ASCII decimal:' stat
- say 'waiting for 5 characters from the remote'
- text = SerRead( addr, 5 )
- say 'received:' text
- if ~freemem( block, 20 ) then say 'memory block not freed'
- text = 'send stuff out port again'
- say 'calling SerWrite'
- if ~serwrite( text, length( text ) ) then say 'nothing written'
- say 'back from SerWrite'
- error:
- if serclose() then say 'serial device closed'
- if remlib( 'rexxserdev.library' ) then say 'removed rexxserdev.library'
- /***************** ShoList.rexx ****************/